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3D T shirts designs 2021: Awesome printed 3D T shirts designs – shorts video

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A three-dimensional object is something that has length, width, and height, and can be measured in these three directions. For example, a cube, a sphere, and a pyramid are three-dimensional objects. A two-dimensional object is something that has only length and width, and cannot be measured in height. For example, a square, a circle, and a rectangle are two-dimensional objects. A three-dimensional object can also look real and have depth, while a two-dimensional object can only look flat and have no depth. For example, a 3-D movie or a 3-D image can create the illusion of depth by using special techniques or devices. A 2-D movie or a 2-D image cannot create this illusion.
If you want to learn more about three-dimensional objects and how they are different from two-dimensional objects, you can check out these web pages:
[Three-dimensional Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster]
[THREE-DIMENSIONAL | English meaning – Cambridge Dictionary]
THREE-DIMENSIONAL definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

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